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Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Letter to the Editor in Poughkeepsie Journal: Consider a Libertarian candidate for President

Today, I had a letter to the editor published in the Poughkeepsie Journal. Unfortunately, the online version is behind a paywall (although it did run in the print version rather nicely). However, I am allowed to repost it on my personal blog as long as I do not submit it to other papers (which I won't.) So, please find it below.

Consider a Libertarian presidential candidate 
I have spoken with many Americans who feel this is the least appealing presidential election in recent memory.
Barack Obama has done a poor job as our president, and most feel Mitt Romney would be almost as bad, if not worse.
Fortunately for us, there is someone else.
Former New Mexico Gov.
Gary Johnson, who has the same amount of executive experience as Romney, is run­ning for president on the Liber­tarian Party line. He expects to be on the ballot in all 50 states.
Johnson is the only candi­date (including Ron Paul) who would submit a balanced bud­get his first year. He also was the highest scorer among all candidates (including Obama) on the American Civil Liber­ties Union’s civil liberties re­port card.
Historically, the Republican Party has been concerned with fiscal sanity. They haven’t done a very good job of that lately, but as president, John­son would be very fiscally responsible.
The Democrats have been concerned with protecting our civil liberties, but lately, they haven’t done a very good job of that either.
Gary Johnson, however, would protect our civil liber­ties by ensuring marriage equality, ending the Patriot Act, and fighting for our con­stitutional rights.
The Libertarian Party en­compasses the best of both parties – fiscal responsibility and social tolerance.
Most people fit both of these categories. They are Libertar­ians and just don’t know it – 83 percent of Americans are con­sidering voting for a third party this year. You should too. 
Gregory Koch 

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